Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Satish aka Sashimi Froggy

trying to act cool

Sebastian aka spongebob


someone drop rice on my chair!!!

This is the condition of the kitchen of
the school's canteen

my FAV....

Today, I woke up before my alarm ring. I waited for Koon Fong to finish bathing before I brush my teeth. Sasi woke up before me and was doing her APPG work. When we finished washing up, we did a bit of practice paper before moving on to meet the guys downstairs. It was not raining but the weather was quite cold today. We walked to the classroom while eating breakfast and Satish dropped his bread on the floor after one bite. We were laughing at him as that one bite had finally reached the filling.
We reached the classroom and took out our lab top to start creating the user interface. Everything was fine till we started writing the code and running the program. It was a disaster. We were trying and trying for so many times but still there is an error. I did not managed to solve that error but Mr. Ma was already chasing us to lunch. Having no choice, we packed up and set off towards canteen 2. Upon reaching there, we sat down and talk. Satish agreed to have the mushroom with chicken and a vegetable for lunch. I set off to take my order for them. When I return, they asked me if I had ordered. The funny thing is that Satish is just talking and it is not confirmed among us that it is the order we want. We were laughing all the way. We quickly ate our lunch and went to the shop downstairs. As it was already reaching 2pm, we decided to walk directly to class rather than going back to the room again. On our way to class, we came out with a nickname for Satish; Sashimi Froggy. Sasi and I had come out with a conclusion; Satish and Sebastian is Squid-wurt and spongebob respectively. This conclusion arrived from their characteristics. When we reached, it was only 1.26pm and we decided to sit downstairs as the room is not yet open. We did our journal when we have settled down. But just us we were about to start, the room is opened by Mr. Ma.
When lesson start, we were told that we can leave once we go through the practice paper and have show him the Lab 5. The problem is….MY LAB 5 IS STILL HAVING AN ERROR!!! It had error all the way till Mr. Ma helped me with it and finally the error was solved. Just because of an “if” loop!! Guess I will have to revise tonight after I do some of my project.
When out to have my dinner at 7.40pm, I had fried rice but it is not very nice. It was a bit oily and super salty plus a super sweet lemon juice. As usual, we went out to get our bread for tomorrow’s breakfast. We decided to patronize the stall that sells the fish shape pancake. We bought eight of them and went to get our bread before collecting it again. When we went back to collect it, they gave us another two more for free. We walked back to our service apartment to study. We were told that we will be going for a tour on Friday and in the afternoon we will be having our theory test.

Today, I learnt that we must have lots and lots and lots of patience to do our things. Despite facing multiple setback, we must learn to accept it and face it bravely.

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