Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dottie =D
not mine...

Done by : Ng Hwee Ping

One up and one down...

trying in process... finally...

rice with any dish u want

The people's favourite

climbing through

eating the fish and
trying to be
a fish
holding the door to not let Sebastian
Today, it was quite cold when I woke up. Since there was someone bathing in the bathroom, we decided to continue lying on our bed till the bathroom is free. I lie on my bed and star into space while Sasi eventually fell asleep. All this came to an end when Koon Feng open our room door and asked us to bath as it was 8.10am. We are still moving slow till I realized that we were supposed to meet the guys in 5 minutes time. We jump out from our bed and washed up. By the time we left our service apartment, it was already 8.45am. We walked and eat on our way there. We were not late, phew =D
There is another shock in store for us. Mr. Chua told us that the photo essay is an individual work.
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo We can choose to change the topic if we want to but I guess I will stick to buildings as I find that buildings in China are very unique. They have a very different look at the outside. Hope that I am able to come out with a really good photo essay using the photos I have taken so far. We spend the morning researching on what a photo essay is like and how do we go about doing it. After looking at several photo essays done by other people, I got a rough idea of what I am going to do. I have posted a few photos on my blog so that I can slowly add on pictures. Time flies and at the blink of our eyes, it was lunch time again.
As it was 12 noon already, we decided to make our way to canteen two to have our lunch. We had the usual fish we normally eat but it does not taste as good as the usual one we had before. Nevertheless, we finish it and make our way back to the service apartment. I did some of our report before setting off to class again. We saw Mr. Ma opening the door, his leg is feeling better already thus he came to revise with us. We were given time to do a past year paper on a blank piece of paper and he would go through it with us. We spend the whole afternoon going through the paper and revising for the test tomorrow.
After lesson, we went to have dinner at canteen two again. I ate the Korea clay pot rice which tasted not really good. We each have a glass bottle of coke. Sebastian bought a glass bottle of fanta and he specially asked the person not to help him in removing the bottle cap. He saw someone in the internet opening the cap with a pen thus he decided to try it out. After buying the drink, he realized that he does not have a pen with him thus he resort to using all sort of things to open the cap. The table, another bottle, chopstick and a spoon. At the start, the spoons only released the air inside but not open the cap. After several tries, he finally seceded. Guess this was the best drink in his life. He will not get to do this when we are back in Singapore as we seldom get to find glass bottles drink in Singapore.
We went to get our breakfast at the same bakery and went to the supermarket to get tissue paper and buy some snacks. We saw alcohol being sold at 3 Yuan and mush mellow being sold at 28.50 Yuan per gram. Funny right? We bought the same fish again and make our way back towards school. I realized that I had left the room keys in the room and locked up my room. Luckily, Kun Feng was at home and she came to open the main door. Sebastian and Satish fight to help us climb over the window into the washing area to open the door of our room. Finally we were let into our room, Thanks guys.
Bathe and wash my clothes. Going to finish my journal and move on to studying for my APPG.
Today, I learnt that we should not rush through our project the last minute. We must learn to be consistence in our work so that we will be able to do our work properly.

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