Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Big one = 2.50 RMB
Small one = 1.20 RMB

my lunch =D

Singaporeans uses tissue paper to reserve seat while China
students uses their book

mordern seats in canteen 3

Inside China's buses, the lady in yellow is the ticket conductor

You did not see wrongly, it is a live puppy
carried around in a handbag
attempt to escape

This is not zebra crossing, look out for cars

Show coffee and tea???

Computer city

$40 for one puppy

poor puppies..being squeeze together for hours

A turtle please

Help me...I cannot jump or move around =(

So Big??!!

The english corner...

Bet you cannot find this in Singapore

Talking in process

Morning lesson today was a OH MY GOD. The lecturer sound was monotone, it make me fall alseep. As it is very rude to sleep in a class, I kept myself awake by typing out a report and playing card game in my lappy. However, he is quite entertaining to look at. His actions will talking is so funny, opps =p Lunch was at canteen 3, ate some rice and drank a bottle of coke. Went downstairs to take a look at the DVD being sold there as Zhi hui said that its quality was not bad. Bought a show and went back to the hostel. Lesson in the afternoon was till 3pm. After lesson, we were asked to make a trip to the computer city in Wuhan and make comparasion with Sim Lim square in Singapore. We were also asked to take a picture upon reaching there. Before going to the computer city, we went to get Sebastian's camera fixed. When we reach there, they claim that without the warranty card and the receipt they cannot fix it for free. He also said that the camera cannot be fixed and have to be taken back to the factory to be repaired. Although Sebastian have an internation warranty card, they did not even bother to check it for him. They said that if he wants it to be fixed, he have to pay 400 plus RMB. We knew that this was a trap thus we decided not to fix it till we return to Singapore.
We went to the computer city and started looking around. We had to cross over a overhead bridge to get there. On the bridge, we saw two roadside stalls selling pets. One of them have kept five puppies into one small cage. It is very saddening to see animals so young being abused.
We walked around and we saw this mp4 player , it was very nice. After much consideration, we decided to buy it. As four person are buying it, we actually asked for a discount. We manage to bring down the price from 399 RMB to 350RMB.
We make our way back to school quickly as we are meeting a China student, Tom at 7pm in the school of foreign language. He lead us to a place called the English corner where students and lecturer come together and talk. You did not hear wrongly, sitting together in a circle and talk about anything under the sun. This allow the students to practise speaking english. Also, there is not much difference between the students and lecturer. Everyone will just sit down and talk like some friends that had know each other for years. We show them our $2 notes and they were so excited to touch and feel the difference between a Singapore's note and a China's note. Some of them even change $2 for 10RMB with us.The day ended off with a debrief in Mr.Ma's room.
I think that the english corner is something at Singapore should follow as only through speaking and practising can one's language improved. Also, i realised that people here are all very friendly. They can just make friends easily and are very hardworking. When I saw the puppies being caged up, I once have the thought to buy them all and free them. However, I realised that it will not do them any better as by setting them free, they might not be able to take care of themselves and might also be abused by passerbys. In life, we have to learn to let go. Despite the fact that the puppies are being abused freeing them will not do them any good either. On friday, we are going to receive our results, hope everyone get their desire results =D

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