Friday, March 20, 2009


Flower at the roadside...

Writing your own list of one is going
to serve you

Trying very hard to write chinese characters...

1 yuan for the utensils but you cannot bring it home

A wide spread...
mass dancing outside the supermarket...

Live Fish for sales!!

frogs for sales
turtle for sales...they eat it

they don't keep this as pets
but treat them as food

the english....

Still dancing when we left

One fish dead...

Xin rong and a kid

guess zhi hui is looking at some
pretty girls??

Today morning, woke up at 7.45 and saw Sasi doing her work. Went to get my teeth brushed and by the time I was ready, it was 8.15am. We were supposed to be meeting the guys at this time but we were told that our results were out thus we decided to check it before meeting them. Saw my GPA, it was not bad as I did not improve alot.
Walked to the classroom after that and eating my breakfast while walking. When we reached there, nobody was there yet. We took out our lappy and start doing our Lab 4. When most of the people arrived, we were told to do our tutorial 4. Everything went on smoothly. We had lunch in canteen 2, the fish same as yesterday's. Lesson in the afternoon as like hell. We were told that we have to do a miniproject but not a group one; by ourself. Lab 4 was alright at the first part by when I moved on to the second part, it was wow...Luckily after getting help here and there, I manage to get it done. Maybe I need some revision. Next week we will be having one Lab test and one theory test. All the best to me and the rest.
We met Tom and went for a game of table tennis. All I could say about the game was...WE WOULD NEVER BE ABLE TO BEAT A CHINA STUDENTS IN TABLE TENNIS...They have been playing that since they were young as it is the cheapest sports that can be afford by most of them. Tom led us out of the school to a nearby small resturant to have our dinner. He recommended this resturant as he finds the food inside is not bad and taste much more better then the canteen food. In the resturant, we have to write our own order list then give it to the person there. We ordered the famous wen chang fish. It was very delicious. Not forgetting, the winter melon soup which was very delicious too. We crossed the road to the supermarket at the oppsite side. Many people were see dancing there, they all seems to be very good in dancing. In the supermarket, we saw lots of stuff and Tom introduce to us the food they have in here. Saw live fishes, live turtle and live frogs being sold as food. Bought my towel there and mineral water for Wudang trip tomorrow. I also discovered the resons behind the fireworks that we saw so often. Tom told us that the food resturant will buy fireworks and play with it whenever they earn more then 2000yuan. When we walked out of the supermarket, the dancers there are still dancing. Took a few pictures and walked towards the bakery to get our breakfast. In the bakery, Tom met his lecturer and he introduced him to us. His lecturer look so young that you could not tell if he was a lecturer or a student. Debrief was after that. We were told about the precautions to take when we go to Wudang mountain tomorrow.
Today, I learnt that we must be more confident about ourself. I also learnt that the people in China lead a simple but happy life. Althought they have earned more then 2000yuan, the money they spend on the fireworks is not cheap either. Yet, they are still feeling very happy able being able to celebrate and earn at the same time. As our standard of living increases, we tend to be thinking a lot and constantly feeling unsatified with the things around us. We have to wake up early tomorrow...So Cya...will be blogging about our trip on Sunday.

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