Saturday, March 28, 2009

During my trip to the steel taught me a lot of knowledge that i will not be able to get by reading from the books. We were required to put on a helmet for safety reasons even though we are just going to be walking along the corridor located a distance away from the machines. I never imagine how big will a steel factory will be till I saw it with my own eyes. The factory that we had tour is only one of its warehouse, there are still many more of the same warehouse.
The temperature in the ware house was very high. A very large piece of hot red piece of steel greeted us when we were inside. It was then past through a series of high water presure to make it flat and longer. Despite the water, the steel still remains it bright red colour. The next process was to roll the steel to a longer one. Then, it was cool down rapidly by water. The steel piece turned back to its original grey colour except the tip of the piece. It was kept red to be able to roll it to rolls that look like swiss roll. I also saw many small pieces of steel being thrown away. The rolled steel will then have to go through a ultra-violet ray to check the thickness of every roll of steel. Only those that past the test is allowed to be stamp and sold. The air circulation inside the ware house is very bad and it was hazy. I guess that it might be due to the cooling of steel. There are many cameras being planted along the corridor and inside the factory. This will prevent visitor from monkeying around and to provide as an evidence in case anything happen.
In Singapore, I have been to Jurong island. The sercurity checks is much more stricter as compared to the checks to the steel factory. For Jurong island, we were asked to give them our ICs and to surrender all electronics stuff that allows pictures to be taken. For the steel factory, they trust us by not taking away our phones and cameras before the tour. The jurong island was build away from the city area while the steel factory was actually not very far from the people. In the steel factory in Wuhan, they uses railways to transport their raw material to the factories. In Jurong Island, no railway was found as the factories are lined up in the way that one factory's watse is the other factory's raw material. This is done as land in Singapore is very precious and we could not afford to build any railway.
Looking at the process and the amount of steel being prepared, I understand that the steel factory in China plays a very important role in the country's economic.

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