Sunday, March 22, 2009

Off we go.....

Finally...Wudang Mountain here we come!!!!

lunch =D

Our bus...
Ma mu

so excited?!

Tourist bus

The well built to remember the event

of the crown prince crying for

his mother


under training of the fierce shifu

The mouth of the golden crane
I will survive...

"recorded in your heart???"

The place we will go tomorrow

What you want???

Zhi hui
xin rong


I am soooooooooo big

shh...I am doing yoga

left and right look the same!

Turtle: oi!!


Inside, there is an additional
of Lu Dong Bing

The hu tou xiang

I woke up at 6am to wash up as we would be leaving for Wudang Mountain at 6.50am. We were told that it will be a six hours trip thus we have brought many snacks to stock up. This trip was only a two day one night one hence many of us brought along just a small bag. When the bus started moving, my group started having the bread we bought yesterday as breakfast. Not long after we finish our breakfast, Sasi took out her APPG notes and the rest of us took out or mp4. I fell asleep unknowingly and when I wake up, I saw Sasi holding on to her mp4 watching BEE MOVIE. She told me she did that to keep her awake. I took out my mp4 too, watching BOLT. While watching, I dozed off a few times. When my movie ended, I took a glance at Sasi, she have been in the same page for the past two hours. She is sleeping while reading the notes. Sebastian took her notes and decided to read it. Guess what? He fell asleep too! The same thing happens to Satish too. Maybe her notes have some special effect to make people fall asleep.
After six hours of sleeping and waking up, we finally reached the foot of Wudang Mountain. We alighted the bus and had lunch at Tai He Xuan Wu Da Jiu Dian. It was drizzling when we first reached the starting point thus we were advised to buy a disposable raincoat. Many of them bought the raincoat including Mr. Ma; he got one with pink poker dots. We walked to the entrance of the mountain where we got our ticket and student card. Upon entering, we board the tourist bus to our first station, Tai zi bo 太子坡. This is the only temple in Wudang Mountain where we could pray for good results. The first hall we saw was a hall with the statues of god inside. The second hall was where the crown prince studied. There were pictures on the wall showing the whole life of this crown prince. From the parting with his parents, his encounter with an old woman who enlighten him till he take over the throne. The third hall was where the crown prince parents were. Beside the statues of his parents were the Goddess of Mercy and the gods to pray for sons. The Goddess of Mercy was prayed to as they believed that the old woman was a form of her to enlighten the crown prince. After viewing all the halls, we went out to take the tourist bus again.
After another 25minutes of bus ride, we reached the Zi Xiao Gong. The temple is the most well preserved one since the Tang dynasty. We were greeted by a group of Taoist disciples training. They were from different aged group and a Shifu coaching them. They were asked to do a series of movement. When they did not do it properly, the shifu will go over to them to teach them and not forgetting to give them a punch. One small girl forgot her moves and was pinch in her arm by the shifu. This temple has the best fengshui as its back is facing the mountain and the front is facing the river. This temple offer offerings to the same gods as in the first temple. When we were about to leave, we saw the shifu standing at the top of the stairs looking at the disciples as they jump step by step up the fleets of stairs. We took a few pictures and set off for the next station. In addition, the two gods that is different from the first temple is Lu Dong Bing and Zhang San Feng. Beside their statue were the 24 filial stories.
The next station requires lots of climbing and walking. We were asked to follow the guide closely as there would be a lot of cross junction on the way to the next temple. We were following closely till we started taking pictures. However, we were still walking on the right track. We could see many shops selling the same things and the same price. We continued to advance forward till we reached a temple. This temple was a bit different as it had an additional point to put the joss stick. It is called the Long Tou Xiang. The place to put in the joss stick is an extension from the temple to outside. The guide told us that many fell down the mountain just because they want to put the joss stick. There is also a dragon head in a vat where we could throw coins in; if it fall into the mouth of the dragon means that your business will be very good. There is also a statue of a dragon lying down on a bed and next to it was a bell. If you hit it with your coin means that your wish will come true. We saw someone that was selling souvenir. We could ask the man there to write name n a grain of rice which would then be put into a container. Many of us were paying to buy it thus we were running late. The last tourist bus end at 6.30pm thus we run all the way back. We took ten minutes to run to the bus stop. People climb the Wudang Mountain, we run the Wudang Mountain. After taking the bus which turned 108 curves, we finally reached the foot of Wudang Mountain. We were asked to line up in a row of ten and take a picture so that we could come back again tomorrow without buying a ticket again.
We went back to the same place to have our dinner. It was a wide spread. After dinner, we board the bus which took five minutes to reach the hotel we are spend the night. It was quite a well furnish hotel, much better than the cruise. We wrote our journal in the room which marks the end of our day.
Today, I learnt that we are very fortunate to be living in such a developed country compared to a mountain that lacks of a lot of things. Looking at the Taoist disciples, I feel sympathy towards them but thinking again, they chose to take the path of being a disciple thus they will have to endure the hardship. From them, I understand that sweet things will come after a series of hardships. Things don’t come easily. Oh ya, most importantly….

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