Monday, March 23, 2009

the cable car
bye satish..
off we go...

Sasi : Look at my hair...its flying

sounds funny


want to fight

the hotel's chair

Dinner from here...
We woke up at 6.15am and started to get washed up. While Sasi was bathing, the room’s phone rang. I picked it up but it does not seem to work thus I hang it up. Satish knocked on our door at 6.25am to help us in packing up and to rush us to hurry up. When we went downstairs, we saw Mr. Chua holding the phone; I guess he might be the one calling us. Nearly everyone was on the bus when we board the bus. I do remember it was 6.30am we were asked to gather. We went back to the same place to have our breakfast. Breakfast was also a wide spread. People in China tend to eat a lot for their breakfast.
After breakfast, we prepared to go up to the peak of Wudang Mountain. At the entrance, we were separated into two groups; one who wants to climb up Wudang Mountain and another to take the cable car. After the running experience in Wudang yesterday, of course I will choose to take the cable car. There was a long queue when we reached the station for cable car. As we were lining up, many people went right to the front and climb over the fence to cut the queue. When a large group of old woman came forward, our tour guide started to help us by giving comments on them cutting the queue. After a series of comments, the group of old women decided to go all the way back to line up again. One hour later, another group of old women decided to cut our queue again. Two of the old women managed to climb over and stand in front of us. The tour guides starting giving comments again. This time, they refused to barge. The security guard was called but the moment I looked at him, he does not sound convincing. He has the look of a young boy. There was a quarrel when the security guard tried to solve the problem. The group of old women kept giving the excuse that they are old women thus they should cut queue. Our group decided to make a loud “boo” and it seems to work. The two old woman was helped to climb out of the fence and go behind to queue again. After a near two hours of waiting, we finally reached the gate where our ticket is punch a hole. The Cable car can only hold two of us at a time and it will not stop for us to board; we have to jump up quickly. The whole journey on the cable car was 25minutes. We were climbing almost 85 degrees up to Wudang Mountain. At first it was very exciting but 25 minutes was a bit too long for us and it started to get bored. Fortunately, towards the top, the cable car starts to swing left to right due to the strong wind up there. This added excitement to the ride on the cable car. When we set foot on the top, we have to climb a series of stairs to reach the golden peak of the mountain. We went to the toilet before starting to climb. The toilet was super duper dirty. The flushing systems were all not working thus shits starts to pile up in the toilet. Gross right?!
We started climbing the stairs to the entrance of the golden peak. We were given a ticket to allow entrance to the golden peak. We have to climb stairs again. At the side of the stairs, many people bought locks with their name engrave on it and lock them on the chain tied to the side of the stairs. We had to climb a very long fleet of stairs before we reached the top. There were two halls at the peak. One was with the god of Taoist while the other was his parents. Many people kneel down to pray and on the floor, I saw money being thrown on the floor. Those were the donations being made to the god. We touched the golden rod at the side of the hall and started making our way down has it was too crowded with people. Everyone bought something from the souvenir shop and climb down the stairs again. When we reached the bottom, we were hurried to start queuing up for the cable car. Holding on to the egg we had bought, we waited for one hour before getting on the cable car again. We had lunch at a small restaurant located at the foot of the mountain. We board the tourist bus again to the foot of the mountain. Again, the bus drove past 108 turns of curve. On our way back, it was another 6 hours. Everyone slept for the first five hours. We stopped at a service centre for a while. The bus driver played music in the bus. Some of the songs we had heard it before thus we started singing along. Dave suddenly shouted “ first time we were so bonded”. The singing continued till we realized that the bus driver was driving on a road and he was driving in the opposite direction. Maybe it was too dark in the night, he could not see the direction of where the road is. Everyone was looking and laughing whenever a car drove past us, they must be thinking why is there a bus driving in the opposite direction. Dave gave another comment “ he( the bus driver ) already did a three point turn on an expressway already, why can’t he drive in the opposite direction?”. Everyone resumed singing when the bus was in the right direction again. It took us more than 6 hours to reach the school again. Dave reminded us to thank the driver for driving more than 6 hours to bring us back to school. Many of the guys behind was saying that we have to thank the driver for risking our life. Everyone thanked the driver. We were told that lesson will start at 10am tomorrow. My group went to buy our breakfast for tomorrow and fried rice for dinner. By the time we reached our service apartment and bathe, it was 10 plus already. Eat our dinner and do our journal.
My trip to Wudang Mountain was enjoyable but a very tiring one. Guess this was the first time in my life for sitting on a bus for so long. I learnt that different places have different ways of doing things and also different culture. In China, cutting of queue is consider as normal for them but back in Singapore, cutting queue is seem as uncivilized and it is very rare to see people cutting queue. Being in a foreign country, we must learn to adapt to their culture. We should not start a fight with them but instead think of ways to prevent it from happening. For example to stand closely to the person in front not allow any chance for them to cut the queue.

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