Monday, March 23, 2009

keeping camera battery in
medicine plastic bag
Satish preventing Sebastian from
feeding him

beanie to keep things??

ice-cream that taste like ice

Sasi parading in her new

wearing her beanie for the first time
ice-cream in cold weather

As lesson starts at 10am today, we could sleep in today. I took my time to wake up and brush my teeth. When I am prepared to leave, it was only 8.40am. Hence, I took out my lap top to continue with my posting the post on the 21st. There were so many pictures to be posted and blogger will make a double spacing whenever you post a picture. I have been spending most of my time trying to close up the gap between my pictures. Sasi was washing her clothes and was hanging at the balcony thus the floor was wet. I did not know it was the rain thus I did not remind Sasi to bring along her umbrella. When we went down, we realized that it was raining. We braved the rain and walked to the class. I remembered telling Vanessa, my secondary school classmate that it was not cold in Wuhan yesterday.
We had breakfast in class while waiting for the others to arrive. As we only have two hours of lesson before lunch, Mr. Ma just went through the three chapters behind to give us a brief idea on what to include to our mini project. Everyone was listening to what the teacher have to say till we heard someone shouting behind. “ F**K…F**K” everyone started laughing. When he saw everyone laughing at him, he took down his earpiece. Guess he was playing some games and started shouting some vulgarity loudly as he could not hear his voice properly. Mr. Ma walked to him and asked him to explain what he was teaching before.
After lesson, we were released for lunch. We went to canteen two to have our lunch as it was the least packed during lunch hour. On our way, we were joking with Satish by laughing at the incident that happened to him on the bus at Wudang Mountain. The bus driver spit out of the window and some of his spit so happen to land on Satish face. Imagine how fast the driver is driving and turning.
I went back to the room to look for my ticket for the cable car as we might be able to claim back the money. I search high and low for my ticket but could not find it thus I decided to borrow Sasi’s hand phone to give Sebastian a call. Sasi seems to have misplaced her hand phone thus we have to look for her hand phone first before looking for my ticket. I gave Sebastian a call and continued looking for my ticket. I managed to find it before Sebastian. When he knocked on the door of the service apartment, I happily opened the door with the tickets on my hands. Hehe. I tried to upload a video to my blog but it seems to need a lot of time hence I am only able to upload it tonight. We hurried to leave the service apartment and Sasi nearly forgot to wear her shoes and leave the service apartment.
Walked to the classroom, it was not raining but very windy. Every time we walked to class, we have to walk past the toilet with an over bearing smell. We would hold our breath when we walk past it. Lab trial test was at 2pm, it was not very difficult but it needs lots of thinking. Hope tomorrow’s Lab test will be “super” similar to the trial test today. When Mr. Ma go through the answers, Dave was asking for him to send it to us. Due to some reasons, he was not able to send us thus he asked us to copy it down instead. Minutes later, Dave took out his digital camera and started taking pictures of the screen.
After the Lab test, we went to put our bag at our service apartment. We went for lunch at canteen 2, tried something else. We went to buy our bread at the usual shop and we decided to buy ice-cream. Ice-cream was not cold when we eat it but our hands were numb when we finish our ice-cream. I went back to take a bath and continue with my journal. Got to study hard for my test tomorrow =D
Today, I learnt that we have to study smart by listening in class instead of talking and not paying attention in class. Study early instead of last minute.

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