Thursday, March 5, 2009

What do I want to learn from the trip?
Firstly, I would like to learn about the student life in China. I have constantly heard it from my China friends but I would like to see it and understand it by myself.
Secondly, I would like to learn about the education system in China. After learning about their education system, I am able to compare it with the education system in Singapore and see the differences.
Lastly, I would want to know the kind of food that the people living in China eat. I have heard that people living in China love to eat vegetable a lot and there is a large variety of vegetable there.
What do I already know?
I know that Chinese have a very strong sense of belonging to their country. The people living in China are still very strict about their tradition and would follow strictly to it no matter what. I also know that the students living in China would have to take an exam which is very difficult in order to be able to come to Singapore to study. If these students are able to get a diploma, they will be able to earn a lot when they go back to China. I am also aware that the students in China are very well behaved and teacher over there will not have any trouble controlling the students there.
What I don’t know and would be interested to find out?
I don’t know about the student life in China and how the parents and teachers discipline them to make them so well behaved. I will also be interested to find out more about the history of China, the various dynasties and the life of the rulers.
What motivates me to learn?
To me, I feel that nothing can motivate me to learn other then myself. My target of getting good and better results will motivate me to study and learn more.
How do I intend to use my learning?
With my learning, I will like to share it with those friends that do not have a chance to learn all those. I can also used my learning and apply it to my daily life to make it more meaningful and better.
What am I really interested in?
I am really interested in the culture of China and the literature of China. I have read many of the books that origin from China and I find them very interesting and meaningful. There is hidden meaning in between the words. The culture of China and Singapore is very different thus it will be very interesting to be able to see the difference.
Five questions that I want answered
-How is the lifestyle of the people living there?
· Their pastime
· The kind of food they eat
· How they maintain their family relationship
-How does their education system work?
· Number of years must they study to advance to the next level
· Do they have cca

-How do they discipline the students there?
· Is it the same as Singapore?
· How can the students there be so discipline?
-Can I cope living with my parents and away from my parents?
· I have to take care of my daily chores
· I have to be responsible about my own stuff
-How can I use what I have learnt and apply it in my studies in Ngee Ann Polytechnic?
· Be more organize
· Discipline myself
Three global skills I want to acquire
With this skill acquire, I will be able to accept more comments and the culture difference. This will help me decrease the chance of having misunderstanding and conflict with the people in the various country and race.
With this skill acquire, I will be to do things again and again even if I meet with any failure in my life. I will be able to stand up and do thing over again.
-Willingness to take risk
With this skill acquire, I will be more daring to take a step more towards some things. With this extra step, I might be able to gain more things and benefit myself more.
Ways to learn
-Research in the internet
-asking people around
-books if possible

First day, my parents send me to the Changi airport T1. We got a bit messy and disorganised but in the end, we manage to be on track and smoothly we go. When we are at the Singapore custom, the police officer was asking if I am 18yrs old. This might be due to my oversized SOE tee-shirt. This was my very first time on airplane thus I am very excited. When the airplane started to speed up and lift off, I am very excited. Also, when it landed, the opening of the flaps and other components of the wings can be seen clearly. This are some of the things i learn in class and now i could see it right before my eyes alive =D We took a transit to wuhan from guang zhou, the moment we set foot in Wuhan airport, a chilling air was blowing towards us . I can say that it was the coldest day in my life but I love it, it is better to feel cold then hot. We were brought to the Wuhan University Of Science And Technology hostel by a bus. This is the first time a see teamwork in our group of friends, everyone helped to unload and load the luaggage into the bus. The bus ride was a noisy one as horn was press instead if signal lights. When we reached, the evironment was misty and light rain could be felt. We were asked to identify our room before bring our luaggage up. After that, we went to the canteen for dinner. This was the
first meal I have in Wuhan, it was salty and very spicy but i have to get used to it and I WILL.
Unpacked everything and off to sleep =D
On the first day, I am happy to be able to see what I have learn in school being applied. Although the weather was very cold but I think that i have to learn to adapt to it instead of creating a big fuss over the weather. With my best friend, Sasi in the same room, i believe that i will enjoy my trip in China.

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