Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Intercultural Readiness Self Assessment

Current self estimateScore: 1-100Target
upon completion of Wuhan, China OIP:Score: 1-100



current self estimateScore : 75
upon completion of Wuhan, China : 85

I will like to be more open-minded to the way people work and do things. Only by being more open-minded will I be able to accept new things and learn from it. I will then be able to understand the reasons behind every action that people do.

Respect for other beliefs

current self estimateScore : 65
upon completion of Wuhan, China : 85

By understanding of other people's belief , I can avoid any possible conflict that might happen if I did something that is disrespectful to the other party. Without this conflict, things will turn out better for both party and establish better relationship.

Trust in other people

current self estimateScore : 65
upon completion of Wuhan, China : 70

Being able to trust other people, I will be able to lossen my load when I am doing a group project. If I lack of the trust in other people, I will have to solo everything by myself. With the trust, the bonding among the group will be much stronger than before.

Tolerance for discomfort

current self estimateScore : 50
upon completion of Wuhan, China : 70

I have very little tolerance for discomfort and every small little discomfort will cause me to complain for a whole day. By being able to tolerate the discomfort, I will be able to learn more things apart from complaining all day long

Tolerance for ambiguity

current self estimateScore : 85
upon completion of Wuhan, China : 90

We might get confused over things; big or small. But at the end of the day, we must learn to accept it . Know the right side and stand firm towards it


current self estimateScore :35
upon completion of Wuhan, China : 70

I am a person that is super super impatient. This caused me to miss out a lot of things around me when I am trying to get things done as soon as possible. Sometimes, things have to be done slowly to be able to get the end product. Being impatient will only make things worst.

Sense of personal control

current self estimateScore :80
upon completion of Wuhan, China : 95

Personal control is the most important one as we are the ones controlling ourseleves. No one can force us to do any thing. Being in China, no one will be there to guide me in everything I do. Hence, i have to learn to control.

Interpersonal skills

current self estimateScore :65
upon completion of Wuhan, China : 85

Other people that have see us for the first time will firstly look at the way we present ourselves infront of them. Hence, it is very important that we present ourselves well and give others a good impression of us.

Willingness to take initiative

current self estimateScore :55
upon completion of Wuhan, China : 75

Things don't fall from the sky, we have to learn to earn it by ourselves. We have to learn to open our mouth to ask for things and to do things automatically instead of waiting for others to teach you on what to do.By taking initiative, everyone will be about to gain something out of it.

Willingness to take risks

current self estimateScore :35
upon completion of Wuhan, China : 55

I am a person who will like to play safe. anything that has to do with risking will never be done by me. Following by the book does not really benefit me much as I will not get to learn things that comes with risk. With risk, then we can learn the meaning of falling from a high position.

Sense of humor

current self estimateScore :65
upon completion of Wuhan, China : 85

All work no play makes Jill a dull boy. In life, we must learn to balance things up. Being more towards either side will cause a side effect of things to happen. With no humor in life, everyday will be serious work with no interesting happening in life. This will cause the world to be only black and white

Curiosity about other cultures

current self estimateScore :35
upon completion of Wuhan, China : 65

I am living in my own world everyday. With curiosity, will question be generated. With questions, will there be answers. It is these answers that is worth learning too. With these answers, we will have better understanding of other culture.

Comfort level with strangers

current self estimateScore :20
upon completion of Wuhan, China : 55

I am more used to be surrounded by familiar faces. Seeing lots of other different faces will only cause me to feel very uneasy and bored. However, being comfort with strangers is very important as only through this way will we be able to make friends with the others and expend our contacts.

In conclusion, through this OIP program, I will like to be able to change and be a better person. However, i will not force myself into it as it have to happen naturally. Forcing will only make things worst or even change the current state. Always keep an open mind to be able to accept good things being taught to me.

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