Friday, March 27, 2009

flowers that bloom near
the admin block

outside of the factory

Mr. Ma transulating what Mr. Qian
is saying

three share holder


explaining in progress...

Left : before the coating
middle: after the coating
right : compression after the coating

up: from so thick to this thin

being placed inside wire

up: 40mm
middle: 80mm
down: 160mm



car plate of the bus we took

playing on the bus

dao xiao mian

raining in the evening but
the students here seldom use
an umbrella
stairways to the student's hostel

Tom and his room mate

using his lap top

shoe rack for four person

their sink cum washing area



the light that brighten up
the entire room

corridor of the hostel
looks clean in the picture but...

dinner in a super market
students eating steam peanuts
bought from outside
in KFC
Today was an industry visit for us thus we were not required to wake up very early for class. I set my alarm to ring at 7.45am as I am going to study for the test in the afternoon at 3.50pm. Our group had breakfast while walking. As it was still very early, we decided to make our way to the mini mart to have a look. Sasi bought a chocolate and we made our way to the main building to wait for the bus to fetch us to the optical fiber and cable factory. We board the bus and I saw that the first few rows of the seat are meant for the elderly and people that need the seat. We quickly find a seat and off we go towards the Yangtze Optical Fiber and Cable Company Ltd.
We were greeted by a security gate which we went through it towards the exhibition area. We were told that we were not allowed to take any photos when we are walking through the visiting area as it is a secret within the factory. We were only allowed to look at the process of the making of the Fiber but not the cable. This shows how secretive they are against their company structure. We were briefly explained on the process from the raw material to the thin fiber which I will elaborate more in my industrial visit post. We walked through the corridor where we are able to look into the work place through a glass panel. Along the corridor, there are LCD televisions where we can watch short video on the process of the making of Fiber.
The tour was a short one and we were later brought back to the school. Our group went to have our lunch at canteen two. Sasi and Satish were vegetarian today thus I tried noodles that are vegetarian. We call it the dao xiao mian in Chinese. The chief uses a blade and shave off the dough into the boiling water to cook it and it is served with soup. It taste not bad but the after taste in our mouth is….But I can say that the noodle is very delicious. It is better than the noodles you can get in Singapore.
After lunch, we went back to our service apartment to study for the upcoming test. Sasi and I were dozing off while studying our APPG. We finally decided to do yoga and exercise while studying. It works and at the end of our study session, we were ready to do the test. We did not even bring our notes along with us when we walked to the classroom. Finally, the moment we have been waiting for had arrived. Each one of us occupied a table and the test paper was passed down. It was not really difficult but there are two questions that I could not do. Guess that there are around eighteen marks gone. Hais. Never mind, we had to meet TOM at 6pm to have dinner and shop a bit at the super market near our school. We went to his hostel first to take a few pictures and to see how does the student hostel looks. After gaining the permission from the warren of the hostel, we proceed up to his room which is at the 6th storey. We looked around and saw how difficult it is to be staying in the student’s hostel.
We had dinner at KFC but we were eating fried rice that was bought from the super market opposite the road. We realized that there were a lot of people like us eating outside food in KFC without buying anything from KFC. We felt bad doing that thus we bought a drink from KFC. As time was still early, we went to another super market to take a walk. We saw a sign board that have some funny translated words on it, Satish took out his camera to take pictures of it. The manager came forward to us and told us that we are not supposed to take pictures of the sign board. We continued to walk in the super market and we noticed that the manager had been looking and supervising us. We quickly grabbed what we want and paid for it. We rushed back to the hostel as there was a briefing at 9pm. Satish ankle was a bit injured when he was walking back. It was an old injury but it happened to came back again. He had bought an ankle guard that he put it on when was back in the hostel. He looked as if he was in great pain. Hope his ankle will feel better tomorrow before the tour. An SMS was send to all the group leaders to inform us that the debrief was cancelled and tomorrow we are suppose to meet at the school gate at 8.15am.
Today, I learnt that nothing in the world is perfect and it is impossible to be able to do all questions without any difficulties. Despite that, we should still try our best to complete the questions instead of leaving it blank. If we tried, we might still be able to get some marks instead of a blank which will not give us any marks. I learnt that it is a very rare chance that we will get to visit such a place especially when they keep their process so secretive. We should take this chance seriously and try to learn the most out of it.

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