Tuesday, March 17, 2009

After a long sleep throughout the night, I woke up feeling very refreshed. We had APPG lesson in the morning. We were asked to do the tutorial 2 and Lab 2. After having better understanding of that chapter, I am able to do most of the Lab 2 by myself. We were dismissed at 11.45am to have our lunch. Not forgetting that we have a portable projector screen today, it makes it easier to see for us. My group went to the canteen to have our lunch there. We tried something different today, herbal soup with rice. It does not taste bad, quite nice. Sebastian tried another stall, he ordered mushroom with chicken. A super big bowl of rice was given to me. It looks like it was for everyone on the table. We were all laughing at him and his big bowl of rice. Lessons resumed at 2pm again after lunch. APPG lesson on chapter 3, was confusing for me but I will try to understand it when I study again tonight. I finished up my APPG Lab2 and class ended early at 4pm today. We had a welcome party at 6pm for us today.

When back to the hostel and start thinking about a performance item for the party. As time was running out, we decided to put up a dance performance. We choose the song and Sasi come out with the dance move. Being not dancing talented, Satish and I tried our best to learn the dance. I am laughing my head off when I saw the stiff Satish trying to dance. We practiced less than 20 times before we have to present it to all our audience. We proceed to the club house’s dance room. It was already packed with people. Everyone was asked to pick a poker card randomly. After which, we were asked to get into the various group according to the number on our poker card. I am in the same group as Sasi; group 4. There were three other China students in our group. One of the students that interact with us the most was Tom. He introduced himself and told us a lot of things regarding him. A series of games were played for us to have better bonding among everyone. The students in China are all very talented; may it be singing or dancing. We had a very enjoyable time during the party and had created better bond between the China students. As it was very late when we return to the hostel, we decided not go out to get our breakfast for tomorrow. We were told to meet at 7.15am as we are going to the steel factory tomorrow.

Today, I learnt that we are actually very fortunate in Singapore as we have everything needed for proper lesson. Things like the projector screen, projector is readily fixed in the classroom whereas in China, they have to request for it to be able to get it. I should not take all these things for granted. In the party, I learnt that being a student in China is not easy. They have to fight for their own education but in Singapore, we just have to ensure that we are qualified to move on. The most important thing that I learn today is Study smart. Take our three meals and have enough rest so that our body will be in good condition to study and listen in class.

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