Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Looks like studying???
He is actually slepping

Doing work in process

Done by: Ng Hwee Ping


"konw" or "know"??

Figuring in process

checking for errors in program

the jap student

The guys playing while waiting for us

They spotted us

Cold Red Tea V.S, Cold chrysanthemum tea

Satish left it in our room since


Mr. Ma waiting for us to leave the room

The korea claypot in Canteen two

Buy 1 get 1 free
Lesson was as usual at 9am today, woke up at 7.45am. I washed up and got ready for class. Today’s lesson was on Chapter 7, Array. Before we had lesson, Mr. Chua already told us that this is an important topic. We tried our best to keep ourselves awake and to absorb what Mr. Ma is teaching. It is very similar to one of the topic in C programming. However, it takes time for us to understand and use it. We went through tutorial 7 as a class as we do not have it in our book. I manage to understand a bit of what the chapter is about. We were then chased to have our lunch as the teachers would be having lunch with the other teachers. As it was still early, we decided to have lunch at canteen three instead. We ate the usual rice with some our vegetable and fish. As usual, we had cold chrysanthemum tea, it taste sweet and nice. We quickly finish up our lunch and went back to our service apartment. I continued to figure out how to do my lab 6. I keep getting this stupid error that had tortured me for many hours and hours. In the end, I decided to do something quite risky. I decided to delete away the code in the main program; the one that has been giving me so much trouble. But in the end, it seems to work.
Lesson in the afternoon was lab for us. Woohoo…lab 6 was ready for submission but my lab 7……NOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
It was so difficult for me. But after trying here and there, I managed to run the program without much trouble. However, this was only the first part. There is still two more parts to that lab. We decided to finish the last two labs at night. Before we leave the classroom, there was a girl that comes into clean the classroom and rearranges the furniture. From her, we know that she is actually a student studying Japanese. She also told us that she was in the environment maintaining department thus she had to clean up and help in maintaining the condition in the classrooms.
We went to canteen two to have our dinner. I had fried rice for dinner and cold chrysanthemum tea. Buying of breakfast at the nearby bakery was after dinner. As Sebastian had to change his CD, we went back to the book store. I bought two knitting books for my mom while Sasi bought a hand waive handbag for her aunt. It was waive using corn leaves.
As it was getting late, we rushed back to the service apartment. I bathe and washed all my clothes. While washing, I got to see fireworks. It might look little but it takes quite a long time. Got to finished up my labs and do most of my mini project today…jia you!!!
Today, I learnt that it is important to takes risk. Who knows what will happen after taking a risk. If I did not take the risk, I might not be able to get my program from running. But also, there is a chance that I might mess up the whole program. At the end of the day, I don’t know if it is luck that I am able to run my program after the risk. To understand even better, I think I am going to read through the lab again.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Sasi trying to climb

mi jiu (rice wine)

caught ya...ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Sasi's art piece

the handle

my art piece

the guys =D

Racing in the night??!!

motel next to canteen 2

Singapore's rice (新加坡盖饭)
flavour : 宫爆鸡丁not 宫宝鸡丁
Due to the BBQ session we had last night, lesson starts at 10am today. We slept till 8.15am when Khoon Fong knock on our door and tell us that it was 8.15am already. We went back to sleep thinking that it was too early to wake up. At 8.40am, Khoon Fong knocked on the door again. We told her that lesson was at 10am and she told us that we had to wake up to clear up the BBQ pit. We told her that we were told that the place had already been cleaned up. Since I am already awake, I went to bathe. We walked to class and eat our breakfast. Satish did not eat his as he was so hungry last night that he finished up his breakfast.
Mr. Ma went through chapter 6 of APPG it was not really difficult to understand it. In fact, it is quite similar to one of the chapter in C programming. After the lecture on chapter 6, we were asked to complete our tutorial 6 before lunch. We managed to bargain till Mr. Ma allowed an additional of 15minutes after lunch for us to do tutorial 6. I managed to finish more than half of the questions inside. We left of lunch but before that, Sasi and I decided to go back to the service apartment first. I could not find the keys, yes AGAIN!! This time there is no guys with us. I tried climbing through once but was stopped by Sasi and I happen to detach the water pipe from the wall. Luckily, it is not leaking or anything, it just came out of place. Sasi tried climbing over the first time but due to the slippery floor and the rather high wall, we decided to use a chair to aid us in the climbing. Sasi second attempt was successful but her jacket was caught by the handle of the tap and the door knob. When she touched ground, the handle of the tap broke!!! After a series of episode, I started to unpack my pocket. At this very moment, the keys were found. They were in my pocket long ago just that I don’t remember putting them there. I am getting more and more forgetful each day. We had lunch after that.
When we reached the school, Mr. Ma was not there. We decided to take a seat downstairs and continue with our tutorial 6. When the classroom is open, we went in and do tutorial 6. Finally, it was done. Mr. Ma went through the tutorial after everyone handed in theirs. We were then asked to do Lab 6; the most difficult lab for this module. I managed to do part A by myself but the difficult part B was…. By the time we left the classroom, it could not be done too. Guess I would have to spend my time tonight figuring out the Lab 6 as Mr. Ma will be moving on to chapter 7 tomorrow. Time is running out. We had dinner at canteen two again and as usual we got our breakfast too. On the way, we bought the fish again. While walking back to the service apartment, we saw Mr. Chua, Dave and company. From Zhi Hui, we knew that Dave was sick and Mr. Chua is bringing him to the doctor. Hope there is nothing serious. Get Well Soon.
Today, I learnt that we must be independent in terms of taking care of our own health. As once we fall sick, it will affect many other people too. To be able to enjoy this trip, we must keep ourselves healthy and enjoy to the fullest.