Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Xiao bao

tree and squirrel
do they look alike??

condom for 1 Yuan


Sasi and Khoon Feng


Sasi and her cousin

Lets go home

Jit Siong and Sebastian

jade to choose

kids playing
I kind of overslept this morning and would not be able to meet the guys at 7.15am. Just as Sasi was about to SMS the guys, the guys SMS us saying that they will meet us at 7.30am. I guess they overslept too. I think I should start change this habit of mine by going back to sleep after I switch off of alarm. I do not have this habit till I came to China, weird.

We set off towards the Ming Zhu Chun at 7.30am, but from the dressing looks like only Khoon Feng and Satish is in sports attire. We were the first to reach there followed by Mr. Chua. The rest of the groups join as at 8.30am, they thought it was 8.30am. Our group did some games while waiting for the other group in the other university to join us. The game was fun and we really had an enjoyable time especially when there is punishment for those who lost to the game. After two games were played, we took a rest while waiting for the other group to come. I went over to the doggy name Xiao bao to play with him and touch him. When the other group arrived, we were split into girls and guys then into rows and combined with the guys. This makes an even spread out of students of different gender in every group. There were four groups in total. We were later given time to thinking of a group name; write it on the flag, a logo for our group and each group members are to sign on it. We end up drawing something like Stefan thus he became our group leader. The leaders were required to explain their group flag. It was very funny to see Stefan, the non-speaking Chinese person to explain the flag in Chinese. In the end, he just said something funny, “他是我,我是他”。
We continued with another game by using only newspaper to create a tank’s belt and the group members are the small wheels. We are suppose to think of ways to join 32 pieces of newspaper together and every group members are to be able to walk in it for a certain distance. We tried all the different method and we even send our spy, Ya Lun to see how the other groups do it. Finally, we settled on one of the plan and started to work on it. We poke holes on some of the newspaper while making the rest of the newspapers into tiny strips of rope to link all the newspapers together. We were very cautious about time by keep asking the instructor how much time is left. The four groups had a competition to see which group is the fastest. My group is in the second place while Sebastian and Satish group came in first. We had a short debrief with our instructor. He said that he was proud to see us thinking out of the box rather than being trap by our own habit of doing things. However, he said that it is good that we are cautious about the time but we did not have a timekeeper to keep track of the time. We used the same amount of resources but we are still able to win others. We were released for lunch early as the students in the other group did not have breakfast before they leave for these activities.

We wanted to rush to the bank to exchange for the currency but Mr. Chua decided to change with us so that we are able to enjoy the rest of the activities at the later part of the day. We were asked to bring those who want to try the fish balls to the fish ball restaurant while the rest to canteen two.
After Sebastian led them to the restaurant, we went to canteen two to have our lunch. Khoon Feng finally had the appetite to eat with us already. We had the noodles and I had an additional of cold tea. After lunch, we bought the other group of students to look at our service apartment. They were all envious on the environment we were living in, the facility we have and our room. After the tour, we went back to the Ming Zhu Chun for the afternoon activity. We had some activity to warm us up to prepare for the high rope elements in the afternoon. The first game was back thrust; a game to test your trust towards your group mates. We were given a briefing on how the person falling should stand and how the person that is catching the falling person should stand. It was totally different as compared to Singapore. They will tie up our legs and hands to prevent us from hitting the people at the bottom. I gave my try and the guys at the bottom said I am heavier than they expect. I also tried the role of the catcher. The next activity was the broken bridge. We have to climb eight meters high up and walk in a plank of wood. We have to jump from one plank of wood to the other plank of wood. I managed to jump over after some hesitation; it was not scary at all. When I am being bought down to the ground, the instructor purposefully let go at one time. At that point, I experience what is call free fall. Woo…it was very fun. After this activity was rock climbing, I gave my try after hearing that the test is postpone till after school reopen. At a point of time, I totally could not find any rock to hold on to it. I tried pushing me up but me kind of slip and fall back. I waited for Sasi and Khoon Feng to give their try and saw many of the other students eating cone ice-cream. When they come down, Khoon Feng decided to have ice-cream. After the thanking of the instructor for their hard work, we walked behind of Ming Zhu Chun to look at the sunset and take pictures if the beautiful sun. We continued walking and we saw the moon. The sun was then on my right while the moon was on my left at the same time. We walked out and had our ice-cream. Every one of us ate it. We went for dinner straight after our ice-cream and everyone end up not being able to finish their dinner. Looks like it is a very bad idea to have ice-cream before dinner. We walked out of school to buy our fish and breakfast. We saw a new stall selling jade for 10 Yuan per piece. We bought some of them and headed off to the bakery. We bought a cake for Khoon Feng as it was her dad’s birthday and we bought the Moscow bread for tomorrow’s breakfast. When we were collecting our fish, we saw Mr. and Mrs. Chua, Mr. Ma. Mr. Chua gave us a can of drinks which taste like jolly sandy or in fact better than jolly sandy.

We went back to our service apartment; Sebastian went to the fourth floor to pass Shu Gen while I bring Mr. Ma’s things to the service apartment .Shortly after we reached the service apartment, we have to go over to the next door for debrief. During the briefing, we were given a timeslot to choose for our interview for our APPG mini-project. We chose Thursday as we will be better prepared for the interview. We were also given set mushroom and black fugues as we did not go to the beauty valley. We went back to our room to finish up our IS reports but I guess I am too tired to do it.

Today’s activity that was planned for us is very meaningful and had helped us bond a lot with our group and also other groups. The first activity require us to have fully trust towards our group mates as we will be tied up and falling backwards which will not give us any chance to break our fall if we hit the ground. Not forgetting, the person catching the falling person has a bigger responsibility since the falling person entrusted their life to them. I can say that no one can fully trust a person but I did try to give the catcher a little more trust. In the end, I managed to touch the ground safely. This enable me to trust the others more than before. The second activity was the broken bridge. It test our persevere as the steps to climb all the way up is not easy as the gap between each step is very wide. When we were walking on the bridge, it requires lots of courage as there are no railings at the side for us to hold on to. The jumping part requires lots of courage and trust towards the rope man. I took my leap and wow… everything happens so fast and it is finally over. I learn that sometimes we have to learn to let go sometimes before we can achieve or gain something. The third activity was rock climbing and that require lots of energy to achieve it. You have to really push yourself to the maximum to be able to grip hold of the rock in front. I did not manage to complete the whole thing as I do not really have the mindset of finishing the whole course. I think that I should first have the mindset before I start climbing.

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