Wednesday, April 15, 2009

guys looking at us unpacked

at the bus station...
very tired

the bus station

We are going back to Wuhan today. Tom’s father went out early in the morning to get gift for us to bring back for our parents. We wanted to give them a $50 for them to keep as souvenirs but they refused to take it as they think it is too much. In the end, we give them a $2 each. We had breakfast together for the last time. His dad bought bread for us in case we are not used to having porridge for breakfast. Everyone packed their bags and we were ready to set off. We took a photo together outside Tom’s house. Looking at the amount of things we have to bring back, I do not even know if we are able to bring it back to school. When the bus came, we hop on the bus and head towards the ferry station. I really do hope that I could stay longer at Tom’s house but we have to go back to school.

We rushed to the ferry station to get the tickets. After getting the tickets, we rushed towards the ferry as if we missed this ferry; we will have to wait for another one for 30 minutes. Luckily, we managed to get on the ferry and cross Yang Tze River. We took a taxi to the bus station and buy our tickets. The tickets we bought from Anhui to Wuhan are more expensive than the ticket we bought to Anhui. We bought the earliest ticket but we still have to wait for one hour before boarding the bus. Leaving us with no choice, we sat on the chairs in the bus station and waited. There was a small girl that approaches me with a bowl asking for money. Thinking this girl is very pitiful, I gave her one dollar. Following her, more and more beggars came forward to us to ask for money. We refused all of them. More and more people came forward to us to ask if we want to polish our shoes and if we want to buy newspaper. It was really very irritating and pestering.

Finally, we could board the bus and set off to school. It was another long journey and on the way, our boxes of souvenir drop from the top of our seats. We slept and eat on the bus. Half way through the ride, Tom asked the driver to stop and let us alight. From there, we took ride from two strangers to get back to school. According to Tom, this will reach school faster instead of going to the main bus station than going back to school again.

Upon reaching school, we went up to the service apartment to put down our belonging and knocked on the door of Mr. Ma’s service apartment to inform him that we have arrived back to school safety. After that, we distribute our belongings and went back to the service apartment to rest. During the debrief at night, everyone was surprise to see our new hairstyle. The teachers gave some briefing on the packing of our luggage. We went back to our service apartment to start packing.

Today, I learn that people living in China it not easy in traveling from one place to another. For some place, they might even need to take those buses that have bed on board. We are lucky that Singapore is small and the time taken to travel from one end to another will not take up to more than a day.

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