Thursday, April 2, 2009

Students during lunch hours


Device on the table

The classroom table

Lecturer and "black" board

Mr. Ma looks cute with the headphones
His ears were very red when
he remove it

Classroom chair

Mr. Chua checking the balance
of the card using
Satish phone that number
1 cannot be press

I woke up earlier then yesterday. When I look at the clock, it was 7.09am. We have got to meet the guys at 7.15am. Everything that had happen yesterday, happened again. We SMS the guys and started washing up. The temperature today is 10 degree Celsius and it was colder than yesterday. We walked to the classroom as usual, had our breakfast while walking there.
• IS lesson in the morning was about Taoism and Buddhism. At the start of the lesson, we were asked about the question he posts to us yesterday. Nobody responded to him and he was resorted to picking people to answer his question. Not knowing if I am lucky or not, I was chosen as the first one to answer the question. I am not at all prepared to answer his question thus I had to think on my feet. Being a person with slow processor speed, I did not managed to come out with a good answer and in fact I feel like I am not answering to his question. I think I have to improve my skill in terms of being a bit quicker in thinking. Sebastian was the second to be chosen to add on to my answer to make it sounds better. The lesson started with the picture of Ying and Yang, Lao zi. An introduction of what is Taoism is about and how does it affect the people in their lifestyle. The Tao De Jing is a ritual text being used by Taoist worldwide. We also learn how the Taoism affects the people and about getting a state of mind without having any worries. After Taoism is Buddhism, the story of how Buddhism Sakyamuni got enlightenment. Buddhism originated from India but many people mistaken it as the place of origin is China. Buddhism is a world religion and philosophy with distribution throughout the world. The story of Sakyamuni was told to us. He gave up his royal position, family for enlightenment. He meditated under the papal tree and eventually became a Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. The white horse temple is the first Buddhist temple being built in China. Buddhism is later being spread more commonly during the Wei and Jin dynasty. The long history of Buddhism had caused many famous monks to emerge. One of them is Xuan Zang the monk that was mention on the book “Journey to the West”
• Buddhism focus on the four true:
"The noble truth that is suffering"
"The noble truth that is the arising of suffering"
"The noble truth that is the end of suffering"
"The noble truth that is the way leading to the end of suffering"
After the lesson ended, we were told that there is a slight arrangement in our timetable. Today will be a whole day filled with IS and the afternoon lesson will be at another classroom. Sasi was vegetarian today thus we went to canteen two to have their noodle. We decided to switch to stir fried noodles. I thought it will at least turn out to be something like Singapore’s noodle but it turned out to be more like spaghetti. The usual, it is so salty that you cannot taste the sour. Did not manage to finish up the noodle but most of it was eaten. As it was still early, we went back to our service apartment. I tried to solve the problem in my mini-project but it does not seem to work. We walked to the classroom and we reached early. We left early to create a good impression for the teacher in China. Upon reaching there, we got seated on the table with a device on it. It allows student to answer questions, call the teacher and to listen to the teacher teaching through the headphone connected to it. We were playing with the equipments till we saw the “Black” board. I do not understand why it was call the black board when it is green but nevertheless, I took a picture of it with the teacher there. We waited for the rest to come and they were quite late. The lecturer had to ask Mr. Ma what time will the lesson start. Finally, when everyone had arrived, the lesson start. We were told that he change the subject of his lecture as the previous batch shows no interest in political issues. This time round, he talked about Chinese traditional weddings and Feng Shui. We learnt all the preparation work before the wedding, during the day of marriage and also after marriage. There are a lot of rules to follow strictly. We were also taught table manners and the correct way to hold a chopstick. Feng Shui was next to table manners. Feng Shui was a combination of the five elements; metal, wood, water, fire, earth. There should be a balance in each house and bedroom. We were shown the various bedrooms with bad Feng Shui and we were taught the ways to counter it. Maybe the younger generations are not interested in Feng Shui either; they were either doing their own stuff or sleeping in class. Hope this does not leave a bad impression of Singapore’s student. After lesson, Mr. Chua came in to ask if anyone of us is interested in the trip this Sunday, if not they will cancel the trip to give us more time to study for our upcoming test. Every agreed to that idea and hence, we would have more time to study and complete our mini-project. We were also told that someone within our group had overused the value in the card which had cause the rest of the line to be blocked. My group went to put our bag in the service apartment before dinner as it was too heavy with our lap top inside. The guys went to get tomorrow’s breakfast for us while Sasi and I went to order the food first. After dinner, we went to the mini-supermarket to see if there is anything to buy. I bought a lemon juice drink while Sebastian bought a marsh photo and a sausage. There is a variety of processed sausage in the mini-supermarket. Sebastian bought the chicken one and opened it while walking out of the mini-supermarket. We witness his first bite and from his expression, I guess it is a yuck. Satish decided to give it a try and the moment it touches his mouth, he split it out on the ground straight away. This is the first time he is splitting, this shows how “tastily” it is. I offered my lemon juice to them as I guess it is a torture to eat the sausage let alone the taste lingering in their mouth. In the end, the fate of the sausage is in the bin. We went back to the hostel to bathe and start with our journal and revision. Today is my mummy’s birthday !!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY =D
Today, I got to learn more about my own religion. The timetable was revised as the teachers saw our feedback about the tight timeline. Thinking about it, if we had take the initiative to talk about it to the teachers, we might be able to release a bit from our tight timeline. Afternoon lesson where everyone is sleeping is really very bad. The lecturer must be feeling rather discourage. Even if the lesson does not interest us, we should at least try to pay attention than doing our own stuff. After learning about Feng Shui, I think that we should not depend fully on it to improve our life. We should make an effort towards a better life. During the lesson, I am actually laughing to myself when he gave the ways to solve the bad Feng Shui of bed facing the room door. They suggest placing a sofa or selves but my room is so small. If I were to follow, I would have to climb in order to get in my room!!

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