Wednesday, April 1, 2009

"Haye" a good time??

My secret to keeping awake

All bought by Sebastian

Are they going to tear down our
service apartment??


China's post box

wearing raincoats??

do i look like him??
Satish, your legs must stick together

We are molesting him...

I don know who he is but he
stands at the medical science park

yeah...I am taller


healthy with KFC??

small popcorn chicken

Zinger but Singapore's one better

Sundae...taste like....

Caught you in action

Play ground in KFC
Oh no!! We were supposed to meet the guys at 7.15am today but we woke up at 7.10am. We quickly washed up and gave the guys a sms. We woke up at 6.45am when the alarm rang but we heard someone bathing thus we decided to slack on bed first. We did not expect that we will fall asleep after that. As usual, morning was a rush and breakfast on the way to class as usual. Lesson will start at 8am for today and tomorrow as we will be have IS lesson and the lecturer is a teacher of China thus we have to be there early. While walking, we actually received a sms from the lecturer to remind us of the lesson and time today. Looks like there is no excuse for students to be late. My group reached early and we waited for Mr. Ma and Mr. Chua to open the door of the classroom for us. We started with the summary report once we reach the class. We split the job up according to Satish arrangement. Some of the others came forward to ask me how I write the code for Lab 7 Part C. All I could say was everything happen too fast. I was just trying out the code and it seems to work the very first time. When the lecturer came, the teachers helped to set up the projector. Today’s topic was on Confucian, some of the history of China. As China is so big, the historical event that took place before was so much to be mention. We were explained on the history of China, the Three Kingdom, warring state and the different dynasty. We also saw the few key people that are important to Confucian like the Confucius and Meng Zhi. We were told stories about how Mother Meng taught her son to be a better person and to study. I have heard these stories before when I am young but I did not expect that it is so famous that it is being told around. The slides I am in-charge of doing is about how much Confucian has influence the people in various country including Singapore. We could actually view Confucian as a tree; there are five parts in the tree. They are ren (仁) which means showing benevolence to others (roots of the tree), Yi(义)Righteousness by justice (the trunk of the tree), Li(礼)Moral ways of conduct (the branches of the tree), Zhi(智)Wisdom (the flower of the tree), Xin(信)Faithfulness (the fruit of the tree). We were also taught about the difference between Confucius and Meng Zhi’s teaching. Confucius teaching was very famous during the ruling period as it taught people not to rebel; the king is the superior one that everyone must abide to him. On the other hand, Meng Zhi’s teaching taught people that it is the people that are the superior one, follow by the land and grains that keep us alive, lastly it is the king that rule the area. This cause admiration from many toward Meng Zhi as he was daring enough to come out with this teaching during the period when the king is ruling with ultimate power. We were also shown the some of the teachings of Confucius; within four seas all men are brothers (四海之内皆兄弟), do not do to others what you would not want others to do to you (己所不欲,勿施于人). We were roughly explained about the meaning of these teachings in analects (论 语). Towards the end of the lecture, we were given a few questions to think about.

1. What’s your opinion on the characters of Chinese?
I feel that the moral character of Chinese varies from different people. There could be some that were very close to the teaching of Confucian while some are so far away from getting close. I would dare to say nobody in the world will be able to follow Confucian totally unless god. At an overall, the moral character of Chinese is still quite good.

2. Do you think (仁)can solve our social problems?
I personally think that this might vary according to the situation. For some people, showing benevolence works and they might feel grateful to you. By feeling grateful, they might not continue to do harm towards you or might even help you in future. However, there might be people out there making use of your benevolence. They might take it for granted and as time pass; they might think that your benevolence towards him/her is a must.
3. What do you think Chinese should do to improve themselves?
They could try a way that my secondary school loves to use. Reflection. By spending time to reflect each day, we could slow down our pace and look back. If there is anything that we have done wrong, we could change instead of missing it and ignore it.
4. What role does Confucius play in Chinese history? Do you think he is a saint?
I personally think that Confucius play a role of a teacher. He came out with many teachings that indeed would change the moral values of the people. However, he seems scary too. He was able to influence so many people part of his life. But I don’t think that he is a saint as not everything he say or wrote about is accurate and correct.
After lesson, we had lunch at Canteen 3. Sasi and I bought the noodle that we said taste like maggi noodles. We had decided not to go back to our service apartment as it is kind of waste of time to walk to and fro every day. We reached at 1pm hence; we sat down on a table downstairs to do our mini-project. When the class started at 2pm, we were all given time to do our mini-project and to show our Lab exercises to Mr. Ma.
After lesson, we headed for dinner. We heard that there is this fake KFC restaurant and would like to check it out. We walked all the way to KFC but did not see it. People that we asked do not seem to be able to answer us. Leaving us with no choice, we settled on the real KFC. We had an ice-cream sundae which tastes like nonsense. On our way back to the service apartment, I spotted the fake KFC!!! Argh!!!!!!! This is not the worst part. The food menu looks identical to KFC and the things sold there is the same?! The only difference is that it does not have such a comfortable seat and the words “KFC” printed there. The really worst part was that the price is much much cheaper than KFC. Well, there is nothing we can do now; perhaps we could come back another day to have it. Went all the way back to the service apartment so that I can do my journal and complete as many of my mini-project as possible.
I think that today’s lesson was much more interesting than before as compared to the one on business. However, I do not agree to some of Confucius teaching. Only women and inferior men are hard to deal with (唯女子与小人难养也). I understand the part for inferior men but what about women??? From the lecturer, we learnt that Confucian actually look down on women hence teachings similar to this is common in Confucian. Luckily, in the modern society, women are no longer being look down on but instead, some women are much more successful than man. I also learnt that education is very important for people when there are young, with enough education than can the person go far. Being a student, the most important thing we must do is to study hard and not to play hard or work. Also, there are not boundaries to learning. Even Meng Zi has to learn when he had his own family.

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