Thursday, April 16, 2009

The day we have been waiting for has arrived. The day to go back to Singapore and my home sweet home. The teachers took a digital weighing machine around to weigh our luggage. I was worry that my will exceed the limited weight as the cost for overweight is 20US dollars. Luckily, it was within weight. Tom came to see us off and we gave him the pictures we had developed yesterday. He gave us wolf teeth which had blessing in it. He handed it to Sebastian as he is the one who is more suitable to wear it. Tom mentions that we will also be blessed if he wears it.

We loaded our luggage on a big tour bus that will bring us to the Wuhan Tian He Airport. When we leave, we gave Tom a last goodbye hug and set off to the airport. The airport was quite small as compared to the Guang Zhou airport. We were given some time to room around as we do not have to check in so early. As the things were quite pricey, we decided to have our meals at the Guang Zhou airport. The plane ride was a disaster as there was quite a number of turbulence on the way.

We managed to reach Guang Zhou safely. As there was not much time, we decided to grab a sandwich. During the boarding, we had some miscommunication with the teachers and we were very late for the flight. We managed to get special permission to go through the VIP lane. The official checking there was super strict and rough in handling our things. Satish was quite angry at them for throwing his lap top. When we finally went past, a man with walkie talkie talked to us and asked us to take a small car to the gate 16. The man had no sympathy for us and insists be each give 10 yuan for the ride. We told him several times that we do not have money with us, he does not seem to get it. In the end, we gave him 10 singapore dollars instead. We chiong all the way on the plane and got sited as soon as possible.
The flight back to Singapore was 4 hours and I spend the time sleeping, drinking and eating on the plane. I send an sms to my mom the moment we touchdown and was glad to know that they were already in the airport with sasi’s parents and Satish parents. We bought some alcohol and collect our stuff. Off we go to our family members. When I reach home, we were busy with the unpacking. I bathe and slept. Everything feels so good and comfortable to be at home. The bed that I am always complaining suddenly feels so soft and comfortable.
I came out with a conclusion that nothings beat the things at home and we should learn to cherish it. This trip allows me to know how fortunate I am to be living in Singapore with such a good living environment. If you ask me…I have no regrets for coming for this trip.

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