Monday, April 13, 2009

Today was a tiring but fruitful day. I woke up at 7.15am to get ready to bathe and go for my APPG interview. As Sebastian still had to finalize his project, we went to the foreign language school first without him. When we arrived, Satish and company when down to sit at the table downstairs while I start up my lap top on the second floor. Mr. Ma and Mr. Chua came shortly after that and Mr. Chua decided to present the table tennis racket to the dean as it was not really a good idea to present it in front of everybody. Satish took a picture of the presentation ceremony. Finally, the time had arrived. It was my turn to present my mini-project to Mr. Ma. When I went into the room, Mr. Ma asked me to connect my lap top to the projector. I am like “wow…are you kidding?!” kind of mindset when I heard it. After some figuring out of my lap top, it was finally able to be connected to the projector and being shown on the screen. I did my presentation as well as I could. Mr. Ma posed a few questions for me whom I think could help if I am doing more enhancements to my mini-project. After my turn, Khoon Feng, Sasi, Satish and Sebastian (who rush down just in time) presented to Mr. Ma too. Every thing look fine and it should not be a problem for us.
We went straight to the bakery to buy a cake as Sasi’s sister is celebrating her birthday today. We sang a birthday song to her through the webcam and her sister was so touched by us. We did some work before setting off to Lu Xiang Guang Chang. Satish so happen to fall on spongebob and a large commotion happen again between Sasi and Satish. We had an enjoyable time before we decided to head towards Lu Xiang Guang Chang to look for a suitable door gift for Tom’s parents. After much consideration and help from the locals, we decided to buy Long Jing Tea and a set of honey for them. In addition, we also bought some snacks for the long journey to his house. After getting all that we need, we set off towards Hu Quan Ye Shi on foot. It took us around one hours plus to reach Hu Quan and on the way, Khoon Feng bought some local snacks for her parents. Upon reaching Hu Quan, Khoon Feng introduced to us all the delicious food that could be found in Hu Quan. I tried their Tang Yuan, French fries and many more. They all taste much better than the food being sold at the roadside stall near the school. With our stomach fully loaded, we went into the streets which look really similar to the Bugis streets in Singapore. We started with buying Tee-Shirts that are sold at only 18 Yuan per piece and bags at reasonable price. We went to almost every shop we could find and from each, we bought something from it. It was really big inside with three lanes but we could only finish two of them. The guys were helping us to carry the items we had buy, really a big thanks to them. After shopping till we drop, we get some satay and walked to the bus stop. After waiting for so long, we started to doubt if there is 907 at that bus stop. The locals told us that the bus only come every half an hour and it had just went off before we came. We waited impatiently and in position to run anytime. Everyone dashed towards the bus when it is within seen. It took sometime before we reach school and when we our feet touch the ground, we had a sense of accomplishment.
We had debriefed at 9.30pm, we were told about keeping ourselves safe especially a few days before we are returning to Singapore. As it was a tired day, we went directly back to bed after the debrief. Today, I learn that it is very important to be travelling as a group in a foreign country as we will be able to look out for one another and help one another. We are glad that Khoon Feng has been eating since she started joining us and she was seen to be more cheerful.

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