Thursday, April 16, 2009

I woke up at 9am to finish up some of the work on my laptop. After several black out from my laptop, I managed to get some work done. We waited for the guys to come as they told us the day before that we will be meeting at 9am to have breakfast together. It was at 11am when we decided to call them. We were right about them over slept. After some washing and stuff, we decided to head off towards Lu Xiang Guang Chang to do some last minute shopping.
We took the bus 901 for the last time and head to get our shopping. As it will be the last day shopping, we decided to have a buffet lunch. It was consider as a high class place to have our meal. We went in to take a seat and started to be busy with the food. The food taste good but I love the vegetable and fish the most. As we have to rush back to school to take a group picture, we hurried through our lunch and went to get the things we want to get. When we finish with the shopping, we figure out that we will be late for the photo taking ceremony hence we took a taxi back to school. Surprisingly, we were the first group to reach and we were not in the SOE tee-shirt. We waited for quite some time before the others arrived. We took quite a lot of pictures, formal, informal and candid. After which, we went to the closing ceremony at the foreign language school. Sebastian and I became the MC of the ceremony. We had our last interaction session and had a toasting ceremony.

After the closing ceremony, we had a fireworks night. The guys played some of them and we were stopped by the security guard. After calling the superior and authorized person, we were only allow to play the smalls ones. After some time, they announce that we are allowed to play the big one. Everyone was so happy to hear that. The security people help us light up the fireworks and cameras were up. Something dropped on my hand but it was already cool due to the high height. We went to the KFC to have our last meal with Tom. We talked a little and went back to our service apartment to get a early rest as we will be going home tomorrow.

Finally, the OIP is coming to a end. After being in Wuhan for so long, I am actually adapted to the weather and living style. I am quite worried if I am able to adapt to the weather and lifestyle of Singapore again. Most importantly, I AM GOING BACK TO MY HOME SWEET HOME!!!

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